Small businesses represent over 90% of the commercial enterprises in Middlesex County. They are not only a major driving force in our economy; they are the lifeblood of our communities.
Small businesses provide employment, support local infrastructure improvements, and provide much needed support to charitable organizations and recreational programs that enrich the everyday lives of our residents.
On behalf of Middlesex County Council and staff, I want to take this formal opportunity tocelebrate our small businesses for their success, continuous drive and innovation. We are blessed to have so many wonderful small businesses in our community representing every sector …from manufacturing and health care to tourism and agriculture. These businesses are truly what makes Middlesex County such an amazing place in which to live, shop, work and play.
We encourage everyone this week, and throughout the year, to take the time to say “thank you” to the small business owners throughout the County for all they do. And please remember that buying local matters; doing so supports the small businesses that support you.
Happy Small Business Week!